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Fairly non-controversial point that archives have always archives social media.
Going to take a deep dive into two case studies, and then draw out some issues that need addressing.
I. Ferguson, MO
II. Documenting the Now
III. #1o
IV. Challenges
Michael Brown Memorial by Scott Olson
The unusual and unlikely open API. This level of access is increasingly limited.
The need to work within 7 day window.
% twarc search ferguson > tweets.json
13,480,00 tweets
August 10, 2014 - August 27, 2014
Not just 140 280 characters:
geo coordinates
JavaScript Object Notation
Critical Race Theory techniques of evidential rectifying could be useful
to archival discourse in terms of broadening notions of what constitutes
a record, the role of human subjects documented as co-creators of the
record, and assumptions about archives and archivists as neutral third
parties in the preservation and use of the record and other forms of
historical evidence.
– Anthony Dunbar (2006)
Documenting the Now Advisory Board (2016)
Build tools that help archivists assemble archival collections using social media.
Develop a community of practice around the ethics of archiving social media.
Ferguson, 2017
% twarc filter ferguson > tweets.json
% twarc hydrate ids.csv > tweets.json
Vicenc contacted me via email Sept 2017.
8,410,431 tweets
September 19 - October 5, 2017
Top three videos hosted in:
#1 (9,619)
#2 (5,144)
Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia, served as President of the Government of Catalonia from January 2016 to October 2017. Now living in exile in Belgium.
#3 (1,387)
#1 (204)
Raul Gallego Abellan photographer, reporter, documentary film maker.
#2 (194)
Fundació Roca Galès - Cultural foundation for the study and promotion of cooperativism and defense of natural heritage and social welfare in the Catalan cultural sphere. Founded in July of 1976 this year 2016 celebrates its 40th anniversary.
#3 (60)
#1 (49,311)
#2 (34,298)
#3 (31,791)
Analyzed first 1 million tweets using youtube-dl :
4,012 unique videos
45 video providers
772,602 seconds
214 hours
unite the right: visualization of deleted accounts
how do we document these interventions?
An archival judgement made some time after the documents' creation ought to consider contemporary opinion important and significant. The documentary heritage should be formed according to an archival conception, historically assessed, which reflects the consciousness of the particular period for which the archives is responsible and from which the source material to be appraised is taken.
Hans Booms (1972)
Archives need appraisal tools & practices for the web.
Consent is broken on the Web
Individuals are not able to read all the policies they are exposed to every day.
Policies are very difficult to write clearly and completely so that people can understand them.
Even if people can read the policies, it is very difficult (if not impossible ) to predict all the ways your data could be used.
Daniel Solove (2013)
We must build consentful & participatory archives for social media. Can ideas from Human Data Interaction help? (Hutton & Henderson, 2017)
Legibility: make content creators aware of our collecting.
Agency: allow them to participate in and benefit from our collecting.
Negotiability: recognize that dataflows & context change over time.
(Greg Rolan et al.'s work on models for participatory archives are relevant here.)